Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I'm going to Spain in 10 days!

Hey everyone!

I'm sure that most of you know by now that I am venturing off to the south of Spain for a year of teaching English. I have been given the opportunity to be a Language and Culture Assistant at a secondary school in Brenes, a town 20 km outside of Seville. But being that there is regular (and fast) train service to Brenes, I will be living in the city of Seville. Hooray!!

Those who know me know that I had the opportunity to study abroad in San Sebastian (a northern beach town in the Basque Country) a few years back. I had the time of my life and have since been very excited about returning, so this is gonna be like Spain "revisited" for me. Although I have never been to the south of Spain, so I'm sure my experience is going to be very different this time around. I kinda feel like I know the city already though, since I advised for Spain at the University of Iowa this past year and a half and talked about Seville a LOT. :)

For those of you who aren't familiar with the city of Seville- it is one of the best-loved cities in all of Spain, and most would say it is the "quintessential" Spanish city. It's known for flamenco, bullfighting, tapas, Moorish architecture, amazing gardens, tangling cobblestone alleyways, a great nightlife and very hot days! I've posted a few pictures of the city so you can get an idea of where I'm going to be calling "home" for the next 9 months. It looks pretty sweet to me!

So yeah, I will be using this blog for the next year as a way to update you all on what is happening in my life in Seville. I also hope that it will be a way for me to give you all some insight on Spanish (and more specifically, Andalucian) culture. Please don't forgot to keep me updated on what you all are doing- I want to stay connected to you all so drop me an email sometime (


Drew Soloski said...

schweet blog yo. I'm gonna check it daily...try not to get lazy like me and write once a month. it's super annoying when people do that...

Den Den said...

Hey. Good to read your blog. It is quite interesting. Ran in to Rob and Erin P. today and gave them your blog URL.

Looks like you are having a great experience. Love you