Tuesday, October 9, 2007

About my job(s)

Hello everyone! Sorry itś been awhile since I have written. And I apologize if some of my accent marks on this entry are incorrect- I am using a Spanish computer and all of the comas and question marks are in different places.

Things have been going really great. I officially started my job yesterday, and I LOVE it! I do not know what I was so scared about- all of the kids are so nice and really excited to have us there. By the way, when I say us, I mean the other Auxiliar de Conversacion. Yes, surprisingly there is another Teaching Assistant in the same school as me, and she is American as well. Her name is Diana Woods, and she is a super sweet girl from Texas. We have become semi-famous in the school since this is the first year that they have foreigners help out with the language program.
Diana and I have different jobs at the academia, however. She works in math classes as well as in regular english classes. I also work with students in the classroom (only for English classes) but I also spend a good amount of time working one-on-one with teachers creating curriculum for Computer Science classes and doing translation work.
I went to the my first classes yesterday and basically the class consisted of the kids asking me questions. It was pretty hilarious, because the questions ranged from -What is your sisterś name? and -Whatś youŕe favorite color? to -Do you have a boyfriend? -Whatś your phone number? One of them even got in front of the classroom and sang a flamenco song for me. It was so great, the whole class started cheering and clapping, it was really cute.
I just got done with a class of much younger students (about 10 years old) and I noticed that they had a lot less embarrassment of making mistakes. We did the same kind of format, where they asked me questions, and all of them were saying -Obri! Pick me! I have another question! After class they all gathered around me and wanted to talk to me and say -hi- to me, etc. It was SOOOOOOOOOO cute! And when I walk through the halls I always here -Hi, Obri!!!!!!!!- It makes me feel quite nice. Although, all niceness and cuteness aside, they are extremely loud and excitable kids, and I am sure that will be difficult to deal with on some days.

I have picked up a few extra side jobs, luckily enough. I am going to be watching after a little 6-month-year old girl named Berta. Her mother is one of the professors that works at CIEE, and I am lucky enough to watch over little Berta 3 times a week, for 3 hours a day. Tonight is my first day working with her, and I am very excited. She is a really cute girl.
My second job is working with Maritheresaś daughter, Carmen, at her school. I will work with her every Friday for an hour and a half. Carmen is bilingual and has special needs because of this, so I look forward to helping her out in her studies.

Anyway, Just wanted to give you all an update on my work life, etc. I will write again soon and post more pics, I promise.


1 comment:

Ely said...

Hi my friend!!!! es increible que vivas en sevilla!!!estas bien? te echo de menos mucho!!!quizas algun dia irè a encuntrarte!!!
escribame pronto!!!te quiero muchissimo mi babà
Elisa, Italy